The following are some glowing testimonials from the Downsview Secondary School Reunion Concert, where Kenny performed with Carol Denyer...
Kenny here's to wishing you and all your classmates a wonderful 50th. 2006 is my 50th as well (graduated from High School in 1956) Carol Denyer says your a musician, A classical guitarist who leads a jazz band...she didn't say which was your day job?
Anyway if you're like me you're working night and day whatever gig is up! Thanks for you're interest in my tune and I hope your friends truly realize how tough the damn thing is to play!
- Message from Mason Williams
Again, for those of you who were there, I surprised Kenny (who I think went into shock) with a good wishes email from Mason Williams who composed Classical Gas. Kenny did him proud and played the piece with panache and it transported us back to those days. Thanks to Mason and to Kenny.
- Carol Denyer
Kenny.. You are an amazing artist and I know that everyone I have spoken to was thrilled by your performance. You & Carol were so natural. I have seen a lot of entertainment and this one ranks right up with being one of the most memorable for me... Thank you..
- Jim M.
Hey Kenny, how are you, it would have been nice to see you but I could not make it to the reunion. Glad to hear you are still a great guitarist!
- Brain C.
Hey Kenny,
It was a pleasure to hear you play again after so many years. Why do I say "again"??? Well, as a childhood friend of Marilyn's, we used to listen to you and the Hourglass practice. Well, she got to hear you all the time - but for me it was a thrill.
- Brenda G.
You and Carol were a special treat indeed. You sounded so good together and it's amazing that you'd not had a chance to rehearse. Classical Gas was always one of my favourites and you did it proud... "an excellent job"... well done!
- Jim S.
Kenny, You and all the singers/band were awesome. You know what they say... music makes the world (reunion) go round! It would not have been much without your abilities!
Thank you all very much!
- Mike D.
I only had the opportunity to see partial sets here and there, which I just loved. I want to come check you guys out when I can just sit back and enjoy. You just have to make sure it is the same band. You were absolutely perfect.
- Sergio S.
JJ GAS, Kenny, Carol - you were all fan-tas-tic!! I sang along with Carol and was loving the music. What an incredible amount of talent has come through the doors of our school. All of you added so much to the evening party. It was a night of magic.
- Brenda C.
As for Kenny Simon & Carol Smith..Unbelievable..the last time & listened to 2 professionals come together like this it was
"Simon & Garfunkle" It was was took everyone by much chatter about how you two pulled it off..I would love to have listened to you guys for hours. We need to get you 2 on the road..fantastic...mesmerizing!
- Jim M.
Kenny and Carol were incredible. Especially since they had no rehearsals together. It shows what professional musicians can do.
- John M.
The music selection was fantastic, you guys were incredible!! Thanks so much for volunteering your time and talent. You sure did keep the place hopping!
- Wendy C.